Otsukaremasa! is the fanlisting for the musical and acting career of Nakagauchi Masataka. If you're a fan of Masa, feel free to join! For the most recent non-member-related updates, please check the Updates page.

Script used: Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] v. 1.0.6 (Beta) (original version)
Last updated: 03rd January 2023
Member count: 22, from 12 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Marisa
Growth rate: 0 fans/day


 Actor/Model: Kanesaki Kentarou Actor: Ikegami Shoma Actor: Ookawa Genki Musician: Aiba Masaki Musician: JYONGRI Musician: Kim Ki Bum (Kibum) Musician: Masuda Takahisa Musician: MINMI Seiyuu: Morikubo Shoutarou Seiyuu: Suzuki Chihiro

If you own a related fanlisting and would like to affiliate, please email me via the contact form.

This fanlisting is recognized by The Fanlistings, is part of Pure Rhythm and is owned by Katze.