Megalomania is the fanlisting for the character group Schwarz in the anime/manga Weiß Kreuz. If you're a fan of this motley crew of psychopaths, feel free to join! Layout created in Photoshop 7 and notepad, using Katze's personal scans and textures from Colorfilter. Layout tested in Mozilla Firefox 2, IE 7 and Safari.
Megalomania was last updated on 03rd January 2023 and currently has 10 approved members from 6 countries. There are 0 pending, and please welcome our newest member(s) Levi! This fanlisting is happily powered by Enthusiast.
To view the most recent non-member updates, please visit the updates page.
If you own a related fanlisting and would like to affiliate, please email me via the contact form.
This fanlisting is recognized by The Anime Fanlistings, is part of Pure Rhythm and is owned by Katze.